Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Keeping House is Hard

Sure I help out around the house, or at least I thought I did. I clean the bathrooms, I do the grocery shopping, I make the bed when I'm the last one up. I even do the cooking on most nights when we eat in. I'm a huge contributor to the daily operation of the Samuelson household, right? Well, I might not have been doing as much as I thought. I would carry the clothes basket down, but Darla would do the laundry, I would watch TV in the family room, but Darla would vacuum the house, on a rare occasion I might get the mail, but Darla would pay the bills. Darla would feed the dog, sweep the floors, dust, wash windows, clean the fridge. I programmed the thermostat, took out the garbage, and took care of the hot tub. Darla took care of her car, I took care of mine. Birthday cakes and entertaining are her realm. Decorating and choosing paint color, in fact, even painting, falls to her. I have someone do the yard while I smoke cigars and drink beer.

Obviously, with Darla in Spokane this summer, she isn't doing as much around the house. Much of it falls on me. I would have never guessed how much hair falls off the dog and onto the floor. Where does all the dust come from and how does it get in the house? I have found that I hate sorting mail, paying bills and watering the indoor plants (I am now a believer that plants belong outside). I never realized that the cups I take downstairs when watching tv, don't walk themselves to the sink. In short I am realizing that my partner, my roomy, my best friend, does far more than I realized, and I'm afraid to say, a bit more than I do around here. I have taken a clean house for granted. I have enjoyed not looking at our finances. I didn't even mention her role as activity coordinator, planner of vacations, and promotor of physical and emotional health and well being.

When you live in close proximity it is easy to miss what is happening right in front of you. When things are magically getting done you don't realize the hard work being done by another. But when there is extended time apart, and those other tasks become yours, you notice real fast what you didn't before. I cringe to think of the complaining I do over my small list of contributions, but am becoming so very grateful for all Darla has done over the years. We may need to rethink a few things around here when Darla gets back, I may need to step up a little bit more.

Just another thing I am learning during this summers experiment of living apart.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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